Saturday, July 20, 2013

Nerd Alert: Welcome to the Cave

     What? I didn't post last week? Don't be ridiculous!

     As I said in my last post, I am proud of my dorkiness. VERY proud. To prove exactly how proud I am, I gathered all things I own related to the Legend of Zelda and took many pictures of them to show you. Hooray!

     Just look at all that wonderful nerdiness! That beautiful Hylian shield in the center was created from scratch by my awesome friend Mike. He cut it from wood and painted it as a birthday present for me. Thanks Mike!

     And this is my 3DS version of Ocarina of Time and a genuine Ocarina of Time below it. Sort of. I haven't figured out how to travel through time with it yet.

      Look! A spectacular Skyward Sword poster!

     And of course, my copy of Hyrule Historia. It is such a beautiful book. I really wish I had a glass case for it or something.

     Well, I could go on, but then this post would be way to long. So that's all for now!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Hello, Internet!

     Well, I created this blog a little while ago and then didn't know what to put on it, so I guess I'll start with introducing myself. My name is Gabbey, I live in Pennsylvania, and I will be a junior in high school sometime in September.

     I enjoy writing, as demonstrated by the fact that I have a blog, and I am currently revising my fantasy novel called Knight of Time. I've been doing as much of it as I can this summer because I don't have too much time during the school year. I also like acting and singing and I'm always involved in my school theater productions. Not that I ever get big parts. Those go to the upper classmen. The SAME upper classmen every year, I might add. But you know, I'm not bitter or anything.

     But next year I will be an upper classmen, so maybe my luck will change. Aside from that, I also play the viola in my school orchestra. What's a viola, you ask? Never ask me that question again. I hear it way too much. A viola is larger than a violin but still smaller than a cello, and it can play lower notes than a violin can. Not to mention, violas are superior to violins in every way. So there.

     I really do enjoy music though, both playing it and listening to it. What's that? Which of today's bands do I like to listen to? Oh, I see your confusion. When I said "music" I didn't mean the garbage that my generation thinks defines that word nowadays. Sure, there are a few decent modern bands out there, but I'd rather have Blue Oyster Cult, the Moody Blues, or Asia back.

     What else? I'm a bit of a cynic, in case you haven't noticed yet. I'm a HUGE science fiction/fantasy nerd, and PROUD of it. I love Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and if I could marry Doctor Who I totally would. Plus, I'm a complete Zelda dork. You should see my bedroom. You can't escape the Zelda.

     I wasn't into anime and manga until recently, when some of my friends started going through an obsession. Now I'm slowly becoming infected. I've been watching InuYasha and Fruits Basket, but most of all I'm really interested in Yu-Gi-Oh. Don't you scoff at me. It seems like a kids show, and in a lot of ways it is, but that's only because the TV station that adapted it watered it down a lot. If you can get past the lame kid humor and the extensive card games, it's actually a very interesting show. And if you really can't stand it, you should try reading the manga, which is MUCH more adult and does not revolve around card games.

     Anyway, that's probably plenty about me for now, so...until my next blog post, which I suppose will be next week. Saturday is as good a day as any, right?

     Bye! :)